Will Ai Artwork Ruin Board Games?
Frankly speaking I wasn't surprised that the publishers of Terraforming Mars opted for Ai art and Ai tools for their latest campaign (although admittedly those are quite different things). I don't think they've ever really prioritised great artwork for their games, the first editions of the base game came included with stock photography and even some images of the designers/publishers posing in multiple scenes. The game even became a bit of a laughing stock for its amateurish visuals. But that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the game, in fact it's been one of my most played and one of the few heavy games I've managed to share with my wife (she actually enjoys it a lot, probably because she always destroys me at it). I love the theme and the core mechanisms, and its probably one of the strongest games to come out in the last 10 years, with a significant impact on the hobby and subsequent hits (.e.g Ark Nova, Earth etc). I suppose that's a big reason this ...